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10 Interesting Facts Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5 is the latest variant of the Galaxy family. 

Samsung is currently the largest smartphone manufacturing company in the world would expect the Samsung Galaxy S5 successfully grabs the attention of consumers in the world of gadgets. Galaxy S5 itself was launched to rival Apple's iPhone 5S who had already released and received rave reviews around the world.

In my view, there is no drastic change about the design of the Samsung Galaxy S5. Even so, Samsung remains buried some of the new features of the flagship Galaxy S5 than competitors.

Here are 10 that you are required to know about the Samsung Galaxy S5 

1 Similar Design iPhone Gold Edition 

Design Galaxy S5 mengalamani not many significant changes compared to its predecessor, the Galaxy S4. Keep using polycarbonate plastic. Samsung introduced two variants of color on Galxy S5, namely black and white. Looking ahead, Samsung said it would spend another 2 color variants ytiu cooper electric blue and gold. Cooper used the color gold is gold edition iPhone 5S. Is Samsung mimics Apple's return?

2 waterproof Smartphone 

IP67 certified, the Samsung Galaxy S5 into the phone line that can be dipped in water. Samsung's flagship gadget can be dipped into a pool hinnga 3 meters for 30 seconds without damage. Want to try?

3. Bigger 

Samsung Galaxy S5 has a display larger display than its predecessor Galaxy S4. Galaxy S5 to 5.1 inch wider. The image resolution remains the same ie 1920x1440 ultra HD.

4. KitKat 4.4 Android Operating System 

Operating System used in the Samsung Galaxy S5 is Android KitKat. Galaxy S5 interface also looks neat and elegant.

5. Default Applications Slightly

If Samsung buried usually pretty much the default application, now through Samsung Galaxy S5 only embed little built-in applications such as S Voice, S Health and Chat On.

6. 16 MP Camera 

This feature which may be made ​​through mobile photography lovers crazy. Samsung increased capability of up to 16 Megapixel camera. With autofocus feature which is only 0.3 seconds, the Samsung Galaxy want to make the camera in closer S5 DSLR camera capabilities.

7 Wi-Fi is faster 

Galaxy S5 is the first smart phone that supports Wi-Fi antenna MIMO 802.11ac. This means that the Galaxy S5 download speed 3 times faster than other phones.

8. heartbeat sensor

With the help of Health S applications, Samsung Galaxy S5 is able to detect a user's heartbeat.

9. fingerprint sensor 

Following the trend of smartphones, Samsung also makes the fingerprint sensor into leading applications in the Galaxy S5.

10. larger battery 

Samsung Galaxy smartphones Samsung S5 is claimed as the highest capability with the ability to more durable battery.

Posted This Article By :  MRS. TOTOR
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