Learning SEO


Easy Ways to Improve Blog Traffic Without SEO

Increasing Traffic without SEO - SEO is a thing that can not be separated in the blogging world. 

SEO is the major source of traffic for many bloggers. Therefore, a lot of bloggers who desperately learn how a good SEO optimization to their blogs appear in the first page of Google. But yes just what SEO to bring traffic ngandalin blog?

For you who are still busy thinking about SEO, ya Mas Aziz love some tips and ways menignkatkan blog traffic without the need of SEO.

1 Create unique articles 

Today there are millions of blogs and websites, continue to distinguish what the heck a blog or website you belong to someone else. The answer lies in the content. The more unique your article, the more people will visit your blog. Therefore, rather than thinking about SEO busy, busy mending you thinking about what unique articles you will post. Remember not the result of copy and paste yes!

Topics may be the same, but the style of writing and understanding of the disparate right?

2. Share to social media 

You bloggers are stupid if just focus on SEO. If you emang not good at SEO and still just learning, you're mending fokusin enegri and effort you made to share your blog posts to social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, up to LinkedIn.

Update continues 

We all love all things up-to-date right? Well so well in the blogging world. Search Engines and blog readers would be happy to visit the blog which is always new content and updates. Not until you kudet aka less blog updates. See also 25 ways to look for money on the internet without complicated.

4 Share the blog to Social Bookmarks 

Social bookmarking is a referral site for many people. If you actively submit your blog content there, there will be many people who will visit your blog. In Indonesia alone is best social bookmarking Lintas.Me. There are many social bookmarking sites in Indonesia. You can see the list here.

5. Post in VIVAlog 

Vlog or VIVAlog is a special platform on the headline for sharing, promotion, and increase traffic to the best and interesting blog in Indonesia. I myself have felt the enormity of the influence of my article that makes a headline in Vlog. The problem is not all the articles received by the Vlog. The article will be published through a rigorous selection. But anyway comparable to the traffic they send to our blog.

Terms posting on Vlog: 

1 You must punyaakun VIVA
2 Open log.viva.co.id
3 Select the 'Send Vlog "
4 Submit your article
5. Put a widget on your blog Vlog

That was some way to increase blog traffic without SEO.

Posted This Article By :  MRS. TOTOR
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