Blog traffic suddenly dropped drastically
Significantly reduced the amount of pageviews. then you wonder what the cause of all this. I think most bloggers have experienced halserupa. Traffic blog that thousands of visitors only stay regular count hundreds. Of course the number of visitors and pageviws also affect the income is not.
Well, apparently based on my observations as a blogger terganteng in Indonesia there are 9 things cause your blog traffic drop dramatically. Want to know what. Check out more dimari.
9 causes of blog traffic down
1 hit Copas
Blog traffic suddenly drop dramatically the cause of the most annoying is when it hit Copas blog article. Articles that have been made susay earned by exerting time and effort just copy paste by irresponsible people without including the source link. Mirisnya, sometimes copy and paste the article in the search results better than our blog. As a result flooded by traffic from the search engines actually move to copy and paste without perikebloggeran blog. Read: 10 ways to protect the content of the blog copy and paste
2 Backlink not grow
Backlinks are also quite influential on blog traffic. As more and more blogs are providing a link to our blog, the blog will be more popular and will be considered beneficial by Google so it is placed in the search results better. The problem backlink search was boring and not all links of good quality. Read: 90 ways to get free backlinks
3 Mutually template
Templates are often replaced also affect blog traffic. The reason is that the template blog alternated make search engines robots will have problems / difficulties while recognizing the structure of your blog. Therefore do not often change the template. Read: 10 best responsive SEO blogger template 2014
4 Rarely updated article
It's no secret that everyone likes something updates, as well as the blog. If your blog is rarely updated blog then do not be surprised if you lose visitors and traffic. Blogs are frequently updated article also will have a ranking of Google and Alexa Rank better. Try to update the article at least 3 days. Read: How to quickly increase your Alexa Rank.
5. Trend topic
Trend also affects the search topic blog traffic. Example: If your blog is a great deal about Islam then you will get a very high traffic ahead of the month of Ramadan. In another month, then trafficnya will decrease drastically. Because the search was not too interested in it. Read: 15 ways to increase blog traffic faster
6 Installation of widgets or ads
If you put too many widgets or ads in the blog also will affect your blog traffic. The reason is that blogs are usually lightweight and fast loading becomes longer so that visitors feel bored of waiting and shut your blog. Read: How to reduce the effective loading blog
7 Taxable Google Snadbox
When a blog or an article you've hit Google Snadbox then it is little hope to get blog traffic. How not? Let alone for dapetin traffic, blogs appear to the search page alone can not. So be careful so that your blog does not hit the Google Sandbox. See also: Top tip for blogs being deleted Google
8 Lost Title
Competition blogging world are increasingly stringent. Well one of the causes of traffic the blog down is because you lost the keyword article. Ranking positions in Google greatly affects traffic coming blogs. As already known, the search page rank 1 will get about 50% of traffic of visitors and in addition it below 15%.
1 Komentar untuk "Fact About 9 Causes Blog Traffic Down"
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