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Here's 10 Image World's Most Famous Logos

List of the most famous images in the world logo. 

Logo is a form of images or just sketches with a certain sense the meaning of a company, organization or product.

Attractive logo will also make consumers more memorized for a product or company. A good logo should have a basic principle; attractive, memorable, and elegant. The logo is also a thing that must be protected because it becomes part of the company brand mixes.

Here are 10 of the most famous and iconic logos in the world


In the 1930s, German society not all afford to buy a car which at that time controlled by a number of luxury cars such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Audi. Therefore, under the leadership of the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler founded Volkswagen in 1937.

In German, 'Volkswagen' means 'people's car', because the production of this car was originally intended for the people.

In the journey, or often called VW Volkswagen, a place in the hearts of the German people because this car can carry five people, has a speed of 100km / h, 'only' spend 14 km / liter and the price is not more expensive than the motor that has a passenger seat in side.

After World War II, Volkswagen mass produce cars, at that time still the VW Beetle is produced. In fact, many British soldiers brought the VW Beetle is home to the 'homeland' after World War II. This then became the forerunner to the development of this car all over the world.
Until now, the prestige of Volkswagen cars and a wide range of variants, such as the VW Beetle, VW Cabriolet, VW Combi, VW Karman Ghia became increasingly famous and left luggage.

VW logo is simple but quickly recognized designed by Franz Xaver Reimspiess of a competition.


McDonald's is the largest restaurant in the world, founded by two brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald on May 15, 1940 in San Bernardino, California, USA. In 1955, businessman Ray Kroc bought the rights to the restaurant and extended to the whole world.

Now McDonald's has opened more than 30 thousand restaurants around the world, it is not surprising that all people are familiar with the McDonald's logo is denoted by the letter 'm' curved and yellow.

In some countries, McDonald's is considered as part of Americanization and American cultural imperialism.

Walt Disney

Who is not familiar with Disney, or short for The Walt Disney Company, a company engaged in the animation industry.

Founded by Walt Disney on October 16, 1923 which produced cartoons that aired on television. Mickey Mouse is a character who first created and also become the mascot of Walt Disney.

Walt Disney logo is a signature of the owner (Walt Disney) and used as a company logo. Logo design article on Walt Disney never changed from the first, there is only a tiny percentage in accordance with the development and needs.

Walt Disney logo is easily recognized and remembered with a mix of letters aktraktif, interesting, unique and represents a technological breakthrough in his day


Adidas is a trademark with a patent that is famous throughout the world. This famous brand was first created by Adi (Adolf) Dassler who later shortened to from Adidas in the 1920s. 

At the beginning of its development, Adidas is supported by the medium of television, radio and various sports such as the Olympics or football. Adidas logo that evolution is three times in 1948 with the design of the shoes in the middle, and include the name Adolf Dassler. 
In 1972, as amended Adidas logo broke up their partnership between Adolf Dassler (Adidas) and his brother Rudolf Dassler (founder of Puma), is carrying the spirit of the Olympic logo with three leaves strung depicting three continents. 

And the last in 1996 until now undergoing modernization Adidas logo design by applying the concept of 'We Knew then-we know now' with three beams which form the sloping ramp which can be described as strength, durability and future. 

Recycling logo 

Recycling logo is often encountered in several products that can be recycled such as plastic, paper, glass, metal, textiles and so on. There have been many companies which include Recycling logo on their products, it's based by our concern for the environment and the Earth we live. 

Recycling logo is valid internationally created by Gary Dean Anderson in 1970, in a competition to commemorate Earth Day (Earth Day) first. 

Logo design 'recycled' shaped three green arrows forming a triangle curved design that does not end or shaped in the field of mathematics mobius or infinity is represented as a finite or not. 

Products labeled with this logo can mean can be used repeatedly or can be recycled into other products. 


Google is number one search engine in cyberspace. Almost everyone on Earth knew him. Despite all the controversy, Google is a company that has developed very rapidly in the last decade. 

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while still a doctoral student at Stanford University, USA, in March 1996 They then make Google a private company on 4 September 1998. 

Google logo designs created by an architect named Ruth Kedar. This logo has a simple concept, minimalist, dynamic, modern and easy to remember with bright colors. Ruth Kedar itself is among the greatest of all time logo designer. 

Currently Google has become the most popular websites visited by internet users around the world. 


Nike slogan 'Just Do It' almost everyone mengidentikannya with shoes, although Nike has now spread its wings to release products other than shoes, such as sports clothing and sporting goods. There have been many world famous athletes are sponsored by Nike. 

Nike logo is often called the 'Swoosh' is a design created in 1971 by Carolyn Davidson, a graphic design student at Portland State University, USA. 

The philosophy of the Nike Swoosh is taken from Greek mythology meaning God of Victory. Nike logo also changed several times and is now used is a check mark without any posts and have become trademarks of this US-based company official. 

Mercedes Benz 

Mercedes-Benz is a symbol of luxury and prestige. The German automobile company produces cars, buses and trucks. Many argue Mercedes-Benz products included in the product category 'expensive' because it uses high technology and high level of security. 

Mercedes-Benz was first founded by Karl Benz, who invented the gasoline-fueled automobile world first. Brand was patented in 1886 and first produced cars in 1926. 

Logo and name Mercedes has a unique story. Mercedes naming comes from an Austrian businessman, automotive enthusiasts and car sellers in particular Daimler-Motored-Gesellschaft (DMG), Emil Jellinek. He had a son named Mercedes and Mercedes name is often used in pseudonym when riding in a DMG racing competition in Germany. 

While the Mercedes-Benz logo has a meaning which includes the land, sea and air. Indeed, Mercedes-Benz is a merger of the two companies DMG and Benz & Cie who later became a Mercedes Benz with a three-spoke star logo in the circle that was introduced in 1937. 

Coca Cola 

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines in more than 200 countries. This beverage produced by The Coca-Cola Company from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 

Coca-Cola was first introduced on May 8, 1886 by John Styth Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta. It was he who first mixing caramel syrup that became known as Coca-Cola. 

Frank M Robinson, Pemberton's friend and accountant, suggested the name Coca-Cola because it suggests that two letter C will stand for advertising. Then, he created a name with italic letters flowing, and so was born the most famous logos in the world. 


Apple Inc. is a multinational company based in Silicon Valley, Cupertino, California, USA, and is engaged in designing, developing, and selling the goods include consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. 

Apple was founded on April 1st 1976 by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. Apple Inc. Apple Computer Inc. diinkonporasikan be on January 3, 1977 Then on January 9, 2007, the word 'Computer' deleted to reflect Apple's focus on the field of consumer electronics products post-launch iPhone. 

Apple logo changed several times in accordance with the times. At the beginning, in 1976, the Apple logo depicts an Issac Newton sitting under an apple tree and look hanging in a tree then given the title of 'Newton's Crest'. 

Last for one year, then changed the design of the Apple logo, a more simple and modern is an apple that has been bitten with stripes of bright colors and given the title of 'Rainbow'. 

The Apple logo is now with the title 'The Monochrome' has a more elegant design, futuristic, modern but not forgotten its simplicity and easy to remember. This logo was given a gray solid that was given a touch of glossy and more eye-catching.

Posted This Article By :  MRS. TOTOR
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