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How to Increase Blog Pageview Fast

How to increase blog pageviews 

Pageviews blog is a good indicator of whether or not a blog. Blog or website mampunyai high pageviews can be regarded as a good blog. For high pageviews indicates that your blog visitors happy with what you write. There are many blogs that have high pageviews, but there is also a low pageviewsnya blog. This will depend on the ability of the blogger or webmaster to manage the blog.

The more pageviews blogs, it will be more and more people are interested in advertising on our blog. Although pageviews is not solely due to commercial reasons. But high pageviews can make the spirit of blogging bloggers has increased because he knows that his or her blog or read much sought after by others.

Keep in mind that is not easy to increase the number of pageviews the blog. There are various things that must be considered. on this occasion, Mas Aziz will try to make tips on how to increase the number of pageviews the blog in a short time. Jagna forget to read also the easiest way to increase traffic without SEO blogs.

How to Increase Blog Pageview with Easy 

1 Create an interesting title 

Interesting post title can attract visitors to the blog. Blogs we certainly found more others of search engines like Google or Yahoo !. Well, if we make the post title interesting and unique visitors will be interested to read more of the articles we write.

Examples of post titles of interest:
How to quickly add Twitter followers for free
Figure 10 corporate logos of the most mysterious in the world
Famous companies in the world that starts from the garage
6 The key to success of Indonesia national team U-19 Mandatory Imitated Blogger

2 Quality of writing 

Make a quality article, do not proof-texted from other people's blogs especially Copas. If you like a certain topic, try not to copy and paste from other people's blogs pure. Write in your own language. because we see posts made ​​painstakingly in-Copas others of course very annoying, right? For you are upset with bloggers copy and paste, here are tips on how to protect your blog from Copas.

3 Quantity Posts 

In addition to the quality, quantity of posts also greatly affect the amount of pageviews on our blog. How might expect there are thousands of people who visit the blog every day, if your blog post is only 3 Therefore, make posts as much as possible according to your blog niche, but still puts the quality of the writing.

4 blog template design 

Visitor of your blog is certainly more like a blog that is lightweight and fast loading. You must know how to measure the loading blog then reduce the things that would incriminate blog loading.

5. Add internal links on each post 

Insert internal links on each post that you write. Internal links are links from other pages on your blog that you enter on the article that you write. But you have to insert the relevant link not carelessly.

6 Install the widget "Related Articles" 

Related Articles widget is very useful to increase blog pageviews. If your blog visitors 'stray' from search engines as keyword / topic specific. Then they would look for another post that has the same topic with their search results. That's what the widget "article" Related. "With the existence of related articles so visitor will linger in your blog.

7 Install the widget "Popular Posts" 

Each visitor to the blog would be interested to read that the most popular article on your blog. Due to popular article also shows that the majority of your readers also read the article. Try to plug in the sidebar of a blog so easily searchable by visitors.

8 Share to Social Media 

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn to the most effective medium to increase the number of page views your blog / website. In addition to the three social networks that I have mentioned, there are also social media that you should not miss is Google+. There are many benefits and functions of Google Plus.

9 Post article to the forum 

Online forums such as Kaskus, Indowebster, until Viva Forum is a site that has a lot of visitors. Make a thread in the forums based on your post. If you post into Hot Threads eat there will be very many readers who visit your blog as a source.

Posted This Article By :  MRS. TOTOR
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