Learning SEO


Top 10 Best Wordpress SEO Plugins

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can play a very important role for the success of your website. 

If your website is optimized properly then you will get a high pagerank and top ranking in search engine results. Today, SEO has become a topic of discussion pembiacaraan and most hot among bloggers and webmasters. Plumpness bloggers struggling to get more traffic to their blog from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo,

WordPress itself is a CMS that is very functional and can be very SEO-Friendly. There are thousands of plugins for SEO optimization available in the WordPress repository. WordPress is the best blogging platform today and you can optimize for SEO in WordPress with a very easy and effective.

Why is SEO Important? 

As I mentioned above, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is very important for the development of your website. To get high traffic from the search engine optimization of your website you need to be SEO friendly. Imagine if a website or blog, you do not have an SEO plugin or SEO optimized websites that are not his. How your website will appear in search query? If you want to maximize the visitors of Google then you need to install the SEO plugin on your WordPress site.

Here are 10 best WordPress SEO plugin 

1. All in one SEO Pack

2. WordPress SEO by Yoast

3.Google XML Sitemaps

4.SEO Ultimate

5.SEO Friendly Images

6.SEO Smartlinks

7.HeadSpace2 SEO

8.SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2

9.SEO Title Tag

10.SEO Plugin by Squirrly

 That was a list of the best WordPress SEO plugin today. SEO plugin above is very popular now. I myself use an XML Sitemap, Wordpress SEO Yoast, and SEO firndly image in my WordPress website. I suggest to you despite all this plugin is very good to improve the SEO of your website, but you have to use a few. Do not install it because it will burden the performance of your website. In addition, because its function is almost similar, crash feared would happen in your hosting because some plugins working on the same thing.

Posted This Article By :  MRS. TOTOR

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