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Join youtube partner requirements in 2014

join youtube partner requirements in 2014

 To become a partner with YouTube, Google Adsense and monetize your videos, you must:

  1. You have created yourself videos : video gaming, original locations, original fixtures.
  2. You respect the law and the Copyright: No copies of TV programs or copies of videos created by others.
  3. Your chain must have exceeded 45,000 views, last month
  4. (an average of 1500 views / day ). Use our tool below to determine your number of views per day

 YouTube Partnership Requirements 2014

YouTube Partnership Requirements 2014

 But it also allows you to compare it to other channels : a glance, discover the tops of the chains, classified according to the most number of views in a week the best number of subscribers to the channel in the month, or the most loved channels ... and statistics of all YouTube channels in detail

You do not have a YouTube channel
You do not have a YouTube channel but you have a catalog of videos or regular video production , possibly with a presence on other sites or portals (Dailymotion, Wat, website).
Please see the Video: YouTube Partnership Requirements 2014

 Have over 3000 views A video (you should receive an email from YouTube) 

(If you accepted the monetization and the green Dollard do not appear next to your videos and it puts "error" simply go to "Account Overview" in "Settings" and check "Allow display ads next to my videos ")

2 . Go - in your Video Manager 

If there is a small dollar next to your video is that you have the copyright to monetize! In this case click on => check monetize my video => check monetize with ad => check:

Superimposed in videos Ads, TrueView Instream Ads.

Hopefully Helpful Thank you for visiting do not forget to comment + follow this blog for the sake of progress 


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