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best laptop cooler dan 5 Tips for Making that

Laptop Coolers Review 2014 | Best Laptop Cooling Pad tips making that 2014

Which is the best laptop cooler for you? Find out here. Take a few seconds and easily compare several top rated cooling pads.

Laptop computers naturally heated (or at least very warm), and if they stay hot for long periods of time can overheat and cause serious damage. Whether you're experiencing the warning signs and dangers of overheating your laptop, simple protection measures and cost below will help keep your laptop cooler and make it work more reliably.

1. Adjust your power settings to "high performance" one or more " balanced " " energy saver" plan. This will tell the system to use only the power required to run applications , instead of always using the maximum processor speed , and if you need to play video games and other intensive uses , you can reuse the plan as necessary high performance .

2. Use dust remover spray to clean the vents of the laptop. Dust can build up inside and lock the fan outlets laptop - an easy problem to solve with a can of compressed gas ( ~ $ 10). Turn off your laptop and spray the vent to remove dust .

3. Use a cooling pad laptop that has a fan or two. Laptop pads that have vents but no fans can also increase the airflow around the laptop and are very portable, but for stronger cooling needs , a fan is the way to go . For this test, I used a Belkin F5L055 (under $ 30), but there are also several others selected by the above guide this site you can explore or you could even construct custom cooling system laptop if you are so inclined .

4. Keep your work environment or living comfortably cool computers as possible. Computers, like most people , work much better in air conditioned environments . Most server rooms or data centers operate at 70 degrees or less , according to the server fails, and that seems like an ideal recommendation for home offices also temperature.
5. Turn off your computer when not in use, and especially when you're not home . The last thing you need when you get home is to find out your laptop was a fire hazard ( one of the dangers of overheating laptops ) .

Taking the steps above brought down the internal temperature of an old and dangerous portable hot 181 ° Fahrenheit (83 ° Celsius) to 106 ° F (41 ° C) - a difference of 41 % after one hour of use the laptop cooling active pad and bringing the room temperature to 68 degrees .

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