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20 Tips to Learn Programming

Tips Learning Program. Programmer is one of the most prestigious jobs in the internet age. 

Many companies are willing to pay for expensive programmers to make their websites or applications that support the performance of the company. Why many companies are willing to pay a premium for salaries of programmers? The reason is because it is difficult to learn programming and very difficult to get a reliable

programmer intelligent and competent

As someone who also studied programming languages​​, I feel alone how difficult programming language to learn whether it's a web-based, computer or mobile applications. There are many programming languages ​​in the world. You do not have to learn everything. Just learn which one you think is important to your life the next.

Here are tips to become a programmer reliable and faster way to master a programming language. To my friends bloggers who want to get the latest information about the world of blogging, programming, and online business, can join and like our fanspage: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Komunitas-Blogger-Pemula/490650550974755/

20 tips on successful learning programming 

Motivation. The initial capital is the motivation to learn programming. If it has been a great motivation to learn, then you will with the spirit and easy to learn program. Next you just hone your programming skills. Continue to keep you motivated, and do not be quick to give up when fail.

Do not give up easily. This is a problem most people. Mentally too cheesy so if you see little direct kesulitas give up. Remember! programming learning is difficult but not impossible. It takes struggle, hard work, and the hours fly. When a lot of mistakes / errors that occur, do not give up easily.

Programming is not rote. Elementary mistake of people who are just learning programming learn programming is to assume that it is to memorize. Actually it is also true anyway, because you have to memorize the syntax and rules of writing the program. But, it's just basically. Because the program is a way of thinking and logic about how to solve the problem.

Do not be typists. When you buy a programming book or learn from friends, you're going to be given a sample program. Well, you do not just program it into the laptop mindahin doang. If so what is the difference you with the typists in the cafe. Try to understand the logic of the code lines

  Find friends or people who want to teach. Another important factor when learning programming is a friend or someone who could be a place to ask. Look for as many possible sources ranging from friends, professors, until the forums on the internet. You can also learn in OlPreneur.com. * little promotion
Find the programming community. There are many forums on the internet that discuss programming focus. You can go to Kaskus, Ads-Id, Indowebster, or join the mailing list. Remember! The more we learn from someone more expert, then our ability will increase.

Do not rely on face-to-face in the classroom. These tips are specifically for students who study in Computer Science or Electrical. Do not rely on the science of face-to-face in the classroom. Because the material is very extensive programming. Given what the lecturer was only skin deep. If you want to quickly proficient, you have to dig yourself deeper. Exploration of your ability to buy a book or looking for tutorials on the internet.

Have your own computer. Mastering the programming language that is determined by flight hours. How high would fly at a laptop or computer that has not wrote? It is still expensive to buy the device, but consider it an investment in your long term.

Do not forget to worship. Even if a computer programmer was the same courtship. But do not forget to worship. Remember! The science comes from the Creator. The closer to Him, the easier you understand your programming world.

Find as many references. The main diseases studied was lazy. The problem is that the majority of learning programming ebooknya English. Already hard, use English anyway. But how else would, to achieve the maximum you should find references as much as possible.
Being able to regulate itself. You not only have to make a computer program. You also need to make a program for your own life. Set a time to eat, sleep, pray, when to hangout with my friends or family. Characteristic of good programmers is that he not only was able to make a good program, he also underwent tertatur life.

Take care of health. It should be understood well that "the logic is not perfect without Logistics". * Proverb gw yah cool. Health should be maintained by giving the body intake of healthy, nutritious, and kosher. If logistics safe, any logic path.

Prohibited selfish. Many of the programmers who just want to take personal advantage as much as possible. Well, the programmer it is a selfish person. Rest assured, you have the knowledge to be useful to others.
Resolve the problem. A program or application should be designed to solve a problem that exists in the community. The program must be a solution to anyone who wants to use it.

Strengthen logic. A programmer must have strong logic to solve the problem and provide a logical solution.
Prohibited fear of failure. Each person will have difficulties and failures, not just programmers. Failure is commonplace. Who knows your failures today is the key to success in the future. Who knows?
Enjoy your time. Often programmers deadline or be a stressful task for a variety of reasons. Well, for that try to take the time to refresh the brain with a walk or a short break from the routine in front of the computer.
Copy Paste? It's OK. In the world of the program, you are not required to write the coding manually. While claiming to shorten the time, many programmers who use other people to edit coding. Because it required from the programmer is keativitasnya. (ability too)

Do not just copy and paste. Even if copy and paste was not prohibited. But you are required to understand programming algorithm. Do not copy and paste if you do not want to bother yourself later.
Resume practicing science. Science should be practiced. Because science is like the ocean that will never end. Even God has promised to increase the degree of knowledgeable people. Steady right?

That was 20 tips to learn programming OlPreneur version. Hopefully the above tips and my experience helpful
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