What are the benefits of blogging is that? Perhaps you are new to the blogging world will be wondering why there are so many people who do blogging activity today.
Blogging or are more popular now with the term blogging is distributing activities writing activity published through blogging platforms as part of the online publishing. * Sorry if this one my own definition of blogging. hehehe
If this is your first blog or a blogger who has been blogging a long time but lost the motivation to update the blog read my previous article first 10 benefits and advantages of being a blogger. Well after you know the advantages and benefits of becoming a blogger of course you will be blogging spirit. But there is another problem that I see frequently occur in the blogosphere Indonesia. Currently too many people claim to bloggers but do not have the soul of a blogger.
What the bloggers are not spirited bloggers mas?
That is the only forward traffic blogger blogs without providing value to the reader. Currently the majority of Indonesian bloggers like it. They are a lot of copy and paste articles from other blogs, and SEO optimization with keywords that shot, paragraphs are difficult to read the signs promoting the blog, italic, and underline to easily enter Page 1 of Google. Weve not all bloggers like it, but the majority of bloggers are now more concerned about how to make money from blogs rather than give more value to their readers.
The problem is that bloggers can just copy and paste will not get anything other than traffic and DMCA complaints. And if they want a little thought there are many real benefits of blogging activity.
This is the benefit of blogging is rarely recognized blogger
1. Blogging hobby
Active blogging it clear writing hobby. Because blogging is provided for those who wish to engage in online publishing. Although now blogging is not just about writing, it could be a photo or video. But the blog remains synonymous with posts and blogs is an appropriate means for the hobby.
2 Blogging trains writing skills
As with all things in this world, to have qualified skills everyone should frequently practice. To be a good writer with a dazzling words of course you have to practice your writing skills. Blogging is a great way to practice your writing skills. The more often you memmbuat post, the better the quality of your writing.
3 Blogging trained imagination
How many books are published stems from the blog post. Currently if a want to make a best-selling book, many of which plunge into the world of blogging, getting recognition from the online community, then he launched his new to the market. Blogging also train the imagination to think and study more about the phenomenon of something that happened in the community.
4. Blogging make intelligent and critical thinking
Upset to see social inequality? Feel the government is less concerned terhadapa society? Troubled personal life? Blogging makes you able to pour what's on your mind and make you think critically intelligently.
5. Blogging expand networking
Many blogging tools enable bloggers to connect with each other ranging from Follower Blogger, Networked Blogs, until Twitter. Having a lot of friends with the same hobby sure is fun for everyone is not it?
6 Blogging to find sustenance
It is quite important, but not paramount. You can also make money on the internet through blogs. In fact, making money online with a blog is the easiest way to get money for me.
The easiest way to make money from the blog:
Gush Ad
7 Blogging charity event looking for worship
This is a special hell for bloggers pious. Blogging can be a deeds search field when you post the contents commanding the good and forbidding the evil. Inviting truth, forbidding. The problem banyakan Indonesian blogger now for the sake of traffic justifies any means to post nude photos of actress, sexy girl photo, to share porn videos. That was blogging even make sin. But whatever it is, it all depends on your choice.
Posted This Article By : MRS. TOTOR
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