Excess profits and Blogger - Blogger is still regarded as an activity for a hobby to write.
Not many people are convinced and believe that becoming a blogger can make a person live well even become rich.
When we asked people what is your job? When answered a blogger then not a few people who underestimate, underestimate, we assume even a slacker because his job was just to sit in front of a laptop / computer. Quite often people even suggest to look permanent and steady job and leave the blogging because it's just a mere hobby.
You may be down mentally and lost the motivation to blog to hear a response like that. But do not worry, in the country of Indonesia is quite a lot of people who make bloggers as their main occupation. The most famous of course Yudiono Kang, owner BlogOdolar.com and Habibie and high school.
Well for those of you who have experienced insults and insults that make your blogging motivation down, so it's good you know how the hell it feels so bloggers. Here I will share some of the things that the benefits and advantages of a blogger.
Therefore, from now on you should be proud to be a blogger.
1 You can write
The biggest problem for most people is that they can not write. The majority of people prefer to be readers or spectators. They will say, I do not have the talent to write. Well, I know you also actually just like I can not write and has no talent. But you beat all of it because you love to write. You keep writing even if it is ugly, not quality.
Because over time the quality will be better if the writing continues to be trained. Ne could be due to normal.
Your writing today is probably not as good as a book author, writer, or journalist. But rest assured if you continue to write your will to match their abilities.
2. you diligently read
Indonesia is one of the countries with the lowest reading level in the world. No wonder our country is difficult to rise from adversity because teenagers and young people prefer to watch dancing shows on TV rather than racking brains to read and scrutinize the meaning of a work written by others. By being diligent blogger surely read you because you may not be able to make a good article if you yourself are rarely read.
3 You are always up-to-date
It is undeniable, in addition to journalists, bloggers are the most up to date on news developments. Because bloggers always want to find out the latest news to be material in the blog post. For that bloggers are always hungry for the latest info and the latest news in the world today that makes it someone who is always up-to-date.
4 You are not clueless
As people who live in the digital age and information, is a must for a blogger to know the latest technological developments. Especially if the niche is a technology and gadget blog. Being a blogger also makes you not stutter aka clueless technology. Because you are already familiar with a wide range of facilities on the Internet, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, SlideShare, etc.. In fact, not infrequently famous founder of a startup company started its business on a blog, like Neil Patel.
The ability to use that technology should be proud. Because not everyone is able to do so.
5. you know the science of marketing
You realize it or not, by becoming a blogger you already know the basics of marketing. Do not believe? You definitely want to make a post title that attract visitors, increase blog traffic, blog promotion in the offline world, SEO, social media to utilize, to give a nice comment when blogwalking.
All of the above it shows that you know a little more about the world of marketing. You should be proud because a lot of people who do not know the science as it is even not at all familiar with the name of marketing.
6 You have extensive connections
You have many friends in real life. How many of your friends are sehobi? By becoming a blogger you will increase your personal network. You can also add new friends sehobi. Is not chatting with a friend who has the same hobby and orientation?
Ease in blogger's world there is no such thing as senior blogger, blogger beginner, a professional blogger. Everything is equal and thinks he is a normal person. You should be proud to have such a community.
7-minded researchers
Bloggers do not just have the ability to write, but to be a good blogger you are required to master a variety of fields. One is research. Loh how come? Ya can dong boss.
Before posting a blog, you need to do keyword research online. It can be estimated the key words that will be sought after, or you use tools such as Google Keyword Planner for keyword research. In addition, you also often examine and analyze the various errors that occur in your blog.
So by being a blogger, I am proud to declare that we are the bloggers the same class as scientists and professors just without the title!
8. you known a lot of people
Who does not know Raditya Dika? This multi-talented famous blogger very well known in the virtual world or the real world. You could say Indonesia is a celebrity blogger who has been no rival to date.
By becoming a blogger, there are opportunities for you to perform even widely known in the media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, to appear on television as Raditya Dika.
Even if not as popular as Raditya, your writings will be read by others. You will be known by your writings. Are you known to others if they do not become a blogger? Can anyway, but there is a way to be a famous person.
8 You have fans
Super Junior, Justin Bieber, SNSD, and Noah is a singer and music groups who possessed a lot of fans. You also must look at the hysteria of their fans how to watch idol.
As a blogger, you can also have fans that RSS or newsletter subscribers. Regardless of whether you have a little or a lot, at least you've got fans. Not many people are fans of his work has always awaited. Imagine you have thousands of fans who are always waiting for your new posts.
If you like my writing and want to be able to update from my article, so please list my RSS subscribers in a way that is very easy to enter your email address in the box that I have provided. It does the same if you like my posts, if you do not like it so it's okay I ntar palingan suicide eat Ointment 88 Hahaha
9. your discipline
Based on my experience undergoing a few days in Malaysia and Singapore. I can conclude their progress due to their population in the discipline. Especially in Singapore, people are very, very disciplined. A successful blogger has implemented the nature of this discipline in him.
Just imagine what would happen if you never update the blog again. Traffic and your income will drop dramatically. The best way to keep your blog adaalah crowded with discipline to make posts, diligently commenting on other blogs, share post to social media, etc.. Discipline is the most important key to reach success. There is no story of success without a good self-discipline.
10 You can get rich from the blog
Wealthy of the blog was just a dream. Ahh not too. If you do not believe please read the success stories of online businesses that departs from the blog. This fact indicates if you mean it, you also can get rich through a blog.
Posted This Article By : MRS. TOTOR
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