What is the advantage and delish so Blogger?
Never not question it dawned on the minds of you who like to blogging. Naturally, it often does when questions arise in our minds, because up to now being a blogger is still underestimated, did not have a reputation in the public eye. Even sometimes people say it's the bloggers who dare only in cyberspace?
My parents even once said to me in my early days when I was first blogging people who do not have a job. Ngadepin his work laptop just is not clear. Love spending time useless. Though it was a lot of advantages become bloggers. Not to know what are the advantages of being a blogger, read my previous article: 10 benefits and advantages menjaadi a blogger.
Honestly the reason I am blogging from the beginning was to make money. Because the first I ever accidentally bought the book by Mr. Sukarto and Hianoto Santoso whose title "29 Days Successful Business on the Internet". It's the book that I was stuck in a routine of making money on the internet.
Then I was actively practicing the science in the book, look for the article on Google on How to Easily Make Money on the Internet. I found so many articles that are very motivated me to be rich from the internet. Often I find that topic commercials Internet Business Success in 30 Days, Get Income Rp10 million just from the internet. And I think what really make money on the internet as easy as that, but even after almost 1 year I have not been blogging I make money from the internet?
Until I finally realized that any business be it on the internet, as well as in the real world whose names still need hard work and constant effort continuously never stop. I realized I was too dazzled by the success of others as Shoemoney are able to make money to Rp2 Billion from Google Adsense in just a few months. Should I see myself how far and was able to achieve it.
No doubt I like many other Indonesian people are generally strongly believe that bejo is everything. If successful it does not need to work hard bejo origin must be rich. For so rich it could pass for shortcuts and quick way whatsoever done. Therefore, at the beginning I often fooled by advertisements on the internet that states that you can be rich in just 2 months. You can emang rich, rich-rich-rich. But only in dreams.
Then I decided to work hard in making money on the internet. Starting from writing without copy and paste, look for quality backlinks, increase blog traffic, to search for the right advertiser. Actually that's the way to earn money from blogging. There was never any short cuts to success. Business on the internet does not guarantee you rich in an instant. Internet just makes it easier and gives way for you who want to work without having to leave the house, but you still have to work hard to make money on the internet.
Maybe this time my income was not as other bloggers, but at least it's been enough. The important thing is not mentally like asking, do not expect from others, do not want quick success (in terms of advertising fooled), self-discipline and train fast not despair.
Many people earn money on the internet says it's nonsense, delusion. I would say it's true. Because I also used a dupe of the internet business. But I want to say you have to work hard to be something. Something has to be earned. Choose how to earn money on the internet is reliable. Do not take the wrong step. Do not be tempted by the promise grandiose be rich in an instant.
So it was like to be a blogger for me it's exciting because it challenges the common perception that do not believe that we can earn money from the internet. Blogging also brings me to a higher level because if there is an event I was not the only victim of the news but also contributed pieces to add to my mind treasury of insight into Indonesian society. Although sometimes my writing is bad, it is not clear, like lost focus, at least I've tried to be better in writing and enrich the content of the Internet in Indonesia.
I close this post with a famous phrase from Warren Buffett for you bloggers who also want to make money on the internet.
Posted This Article By : MRS. TOTOR
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