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The importance of public relations for the promotion of social media blogs

The importance of public relations for the promotion of social media blogs

We read and heard a lot about blogs, social networks and professional and obviously on Twitter. 

But what about the so-called sites social bookmarks or favorites if you prefer Social (
Social Bookmarking) ? Have they any use public relations? 

The idea of this post came to me from reading - I just finished - the excellent book by
 Tamar Weinberg : The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web . 

With Book Brian Solis , it is one of the best I've read this year.

Do not be fooled too much on "marketing" appearance. It is certainly very present But contains more considerations from public relations. What do you want, the Marketers diehard realize they do not have much choice and they must now engage in two-way communication ... say hyper symmetrical.(I'll talk about in another post ...). 

Ancestor social bookmarks is still well integrated into our browsers. One comes across an interesting site that we think back often and integrate it into our favorites. As sites multiplied, could keep and also categorize them in order to find them more quickly. By cons, the more we fulfill our menu Favorites interesting sites, the more it slows the browser. If you've ever wondered why your browser took so long to load, you now have the answer (at least in part)! Indeed, all these custom data slower.
Despite an organization undoubtedly more respectable, have you ever had trouble finding the damn site set favorites there are more than six months? And what would happen to these valuable sites with a lost or stolen computer or after reformatting the operating system due to virus? 

Here are some problems that social bookmarking sites have tried to address, among other . 

With free sites for depositing data (including favorites), this valuable information is no longer confined to a single computer or a super bloated browser! It can be accessed from anywhere: work, home, at a friend's, Internet cafe, etc.. 

Do essentially private nature, bookmarking is now social. Much more than just sites private repository, the social bookmark sites like Stumble Upon allow you to share your bookmarks with your network or with the world. It is possible to retain only the data for you. Apart from a few private bookmarks, how many sites remain completely confidential?Very little in fact.

Should go now has immense benefits of sharing our bookmarks on these types of sites. They not only allow us to discover new sites or blogs, but also to know the perception of people about them (thanks to the observations and comments) and especially to understand how individuals categorize. From this perspective, the social bookmark sites can serve our interests to search for each bookmark filed is accompanied by a description, ie A.D. A keyword (a tag ).

Describing a favorite website, so there has to include a semantic value. But if in addition, the sharing with others, it allows individuals to discover content that can serve their interests, whatever that they are. Must I add how it can be useful and interesting to see how people categorize your website or blog and get the pulse of public opinion?
Description keyword (the tagging) and is not unique to the social bookmark sites phenomenon. Search engines, including Google, incorporate more human behavior in their search algorithms. And these human behaviors where they come from? Social media sites, including sites social bookmarks!

On this subject, read the article by Danny Sullivan: Search 4.0: Putting Humans Back In Search . 
There is also the custom Google search . Not surprisingly, we can add a few comments on how to .... Stumble Upon (a property of Yahoo, by the way). And what about the
Google Search Wiki

All this suggests that to understand the interactions and even conversations between individuals and their networks influence more search results (and rank)! 

looks like this my home page on Stumble Upon. Click on the image to get a better overview.

Hopefully Helpful Thank you for visiting do not forget to comment + follow this blog for the sake of progress 

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